The E12 experience: Students’ perceptions of a widening participation scheme

  • Fiona Ng The University of Sydney
  • Debra Shirley The University of Sydney
  • Karen Willis Australian Catholic University
  • Sarah Lewis The University of Sydney
  • Michelle Lincoln The University of Sydney


Engaging students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds in higher education is an ongoing issue in the tertiary education sector. Despite schemes to widen participation, low SES entry rates remain below 20% in Australia. Various factors have been posited for the low rates of success and strategies aimed at universities, high schools and individual students have been suggested. The literature on transition to university has informed a student-centred approach and the need to acknowledge dimensions of cultural capital. Resources to address difficulties in transition have been suggested. In this paper we report on qualitative research exploring the perspective of students who entered a Faculty of Health Sciences via a widening participation scheme.  Our findings indicate that while transition strategies must be in place, the provision of ongoing material resources is also an integral factor in supporting students.

Mar 7, 2015
How to Cite
NG, Fiona et al. The E12 experience: Students’ perceptions of a widening participation scheme. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 35-47, mar. 2015. ISSN 1838-2959. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 16 aug. 2018. doi:


Widening Participation; Social Inclusion; Alternative Entry Pathway; Low Socio-Economic Status

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